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Hi I'm on a mission

Hi everyone,

It's so nice to see such great pics of all your lovely vans.

I'm searching for a van and thought you might be able to help me. My boyfriend is 30 in a couple of weeks and I don't know what to get him. He misses his van, as he gave her away three years ago, she needed a lot of work, and in al honesty we didn't think she'd start ( and she did!)

I'm searching south Wales for the person we gave it to, she was a White CF2 van with an orange strip, B reg. She had the black plastic wing mirrors, and sort of tinted windows! Grey seat overs in the back and blue curtains. We live in St Mellons in Cardiff and the van was picked up from our house. And if it helps I'm the girl that cried when she left!!!!

I've seen her in the Bridgend area still going strong, if this is you or some one you know can you
message me I love for him to be able to have a drive in his one and only live for his birthday

Thank you so much, if I can't find her can anyone suggest a company i could look at hiring one from for a couple of hours??

Thank you for reading, have a great new year and long live the beddie


Fri 30 Dec 2011 @ 18:27 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
Posts : 4273
Location : Pontypridd, South Wales
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Hi Mrs Cymru or can I call you Danger?

I've had a look through the member list and there's only one member from Bridgend and he has a CF1. I've never seen the one you are after way up here in the vallies or on my travels but if I do I'll see if I can stop him. I would offer to lend you mine for an hour or two but it hasn't turned a wheel in nearly 4 years and the body would probably fall off if I did try and move it. Now if you were looking for a cheap motorhome to do up.........

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Sun 01 Jan 2012 @ 12:57 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Thank you for looking for me, i tried to find the name and address of the man we gave it to but our filing system is not... well it just not!!

All I could find to hire was an ice cream van! And as much as my other half likes ice cream its to cold for in Jan and Bertha was after all a camper.

THe Boyf has blown my plans for his birthday right out of the water anyway, as he has booked us a skiing holiday to Bulgaria!!

RE the project, he'd love to but never have the time thats how Bertha came to leave us.

thank you so much for all you help though Hopefully Ill se Bertha again one day
Fri 06 Jan 2012 @ 18:48 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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