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Newbie CF2 owner - Engine question

I've just bought am 86 CF2 campervan - wife managed to flatten the battery last week whilst cleaning it (left the fridge on) I've replaced the now dead battery and everything is fine when the engine is warm but after leaving it overnight the engine just won't fire up and I end up draining the battery and needing a jump start. It does eventually fire up but I can't carry on relying on jump starts everytime I wake up. Any ideas where to start?
Sun 10 Apr 2016 @ 22:05 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Starting problem.

Hi Bongodog,

It could be just a bad earth make sure to clean up the earth connection at the battery box and the engine earth strap to the chassis, does the engine turn slowly or quickly before the battery winds down?
Was there no problem starting before the fridge was left on, try disconnecting the fridge over night there could be a fault in the split charge relay.



Sun 10 Apr 2016 @ 22:19 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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