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The only Bedford Formula 1 Racing car?

Bedford CA Motor Caravan, 1971, bought it off five guys who had just come back from the Continent - all Aussies and Kiwis . Plenty of suspension noises but the engine was strong.
Spent most winter weekends under the Beddy doing up rust, suspension, brakes, gearbox - where? Oh sorry, Loftus Road, Shepherds Bush about a worn out shocky throw from QPR ground - the front windows would rattle every time that QPR scored - they didn't rattle very often.
Expected to be touring around the Continent for about 3 or 4 months - lost track of time and money - one of those ended the trip.
Driving up the French Coast into Monaco - now here I must admit that I have always been a Petrol Head but was unaware that the Monaco Grande Prix weekend was a revin'. The first clue was when a Gendarmerie stepped in front of the Beddy without a glance of recognition, a flurried hand up to STOP and a long wait. The Grande Prix cars streamed across the main road after practice into the Pits opposite.
The official saw no need to wave the tourist on but turned his back and just walked away.

Now even though I was a young man still, I had come to the opinion that sometimes opportunities, once in a life time opportunities, arise -aaaaand, this was one of those times.

In obtaining the lifetime moniker of Petrol Head, learning some road rule could not be avoided. Of course every body knows, that when a cop directs you to do something that you preferred not to do, you must turn your head and look in the opposite direction as you pass him. This works in France and regions as well as in Australia.

That Beddy gained a lease of life, bottled up for years - those recently brand new tyres and shock absorbers were not to be wasted on the cobble stones of Europe - Monaco beckons!!

Three speeds on the column was not ideal, and those cartons of tinned tomatoes were definitely hindering the power to weight ratio - but, second gear and that first hill had been blessed in heaven - the Beddy sprung forward.
Before that blessed day, I already had every corner imprinted in my brain (as I did every other GP Track in the world) ie. that opportunity was not wasted.
Both sliding doors open, seat belts in serious mode, touro driving shoes - Flip Flops - in place.

I can safely claim that no Beddy before or since has lapped Monaco as fast as good old HOO-801 did on that day.

The crowd around the track had not yet dissipated from the Formula 1 practice and showed admirable enthusiasm for the Beddy with the Aussie flag sticker on the back. The old girl handled like a dream on that so familiar circuit. The lap completed, my 'friend' was not there to give me directions - two opportunities to be accepted. The crowd around the circuit was growing in numbers and noise - I wondered if I would get an invitation to come back next year. The lap time obviously improved and my 'friend' as there this time around.
Well, it worked once, maybe it will work twice - I looked the other way again - woooohooo - lap three.

The crowd was out of control - I think that they may have been drunk as well. The pace quickened.

'Friend' had brought friends this time around - about ten of them lined across the track. All with very emphatic hand directions. Surprisingly, they didn't even put the hand up to 'stop' - I can take a hint, so didn't. Through the open drivers door my new 'friend' shouted something to the effect "Australiano o" - so, I looked the other way and the crowd joined behind the Beddy as she made good her escape.

The next day, a similar event drew the Beddy to join in.

The Cannes Film Festival was in swing with the world acknowledged heros alighting from their limos onto the red carpet. Well her fuel gauge was otherwise engaged and a spare gallon of fuel saved her from embarrassment several time in the 25,000 mile trip. This was one of those times.
Adjacent to the red carpet, she spluttered to a halt. Stubby shorts, rubber Flip-Flops, no top - out through the sliding door, feeding the petrol tank. One of my 'friends' friends was there too - waving his hands and he too gave me that familiar farewell as Beddy drove away with that Aussie flag on the back.

Just two days in a 120 day trip - that Beddy, she was a naughty girl.


Sat 23 Oct 2010 @ 12:17 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Ooh Lah Lah ........she was a very naughty girl !!! but go girl go.



Sat 23 Oct 2010 @ 19:45 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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