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Deciphering a Bedford MJ VIN number

Hi All,

I discovered your forum having googled Bedford and VIN, and you look like a friendly and knowledgeable bunch, so I hope you aren't upset that I don't have a CF question!

My name is Glen Anderson, and I'm from Canterbury in Kent.

I am in the process of beginning my hunt for a Bedford MJ 4x4 truck. The process of registering and owning one of these beasties is complicated by legislation that affects later ones more than early ones. Post may 1984 built trucks have to have side impact bars fitted and trucks under 25 years old registered at their full 9.5 tonne weight need tachographs. Ideally I'd like to find a pre-May 1984 truck, as this will be the simplest for me to get road legal as a Private HGV.

What I am trying to find out is if the build date of the truck can be narrowed down by checking the VIN number. I know that each character of the VIN has a significance, I just don't know what it is! The dealer I have been in contact with has been very helpful, but really specialises in export and isn't too interested in UK based "problems". All he can supply is the Ministry of Defence "date into service", which whilst adequate for the purposes of registering the trucks, may mean they appear newer than they really are having sat for months or years in storage prior to issue.

Is it still possible to get Vauxhall factory authentication of a build date for Bedford vans and trucks? Or are the records now held elsewhere? I know that the BSA owners Club is approved by the DVLA to date machines, as is the Series 2 Land-Rover Club - so if factory authentication isn't possible is there a club database?

Sorry to come begging for help on my first posting, and with loads of questions too - none of which are directly connected to your chosen vehicles!

All the best, Glen.


Fri 04 Mar 2011 @ 00:51 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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8th & 9th characters represent model year & manufacturing plant -

1971 - 1T
1972 - 2T
1973 - 3T (CW)
1974 - DW
1975 - EW
1976 - FW
1977 - GW
1978 - HW
1979 - JW
1980 - KW
1981 - LW
1982 - CT
1983 - DT
1984 - ET
1985 - FT
1986 - GT

3rd character is GVW

P - 9652 kg
R - 11177 kg


Fri 04 Mar 2011 @ 02:08 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Hi Phil,

Thanks very much for such a swift response!

That's just the information I was looking for. Those numbers will allow me to tell at a glance the model year. It's not that I don't want to carry out the necessary modifications, and if the "right" truck comes up at the "right" price I'll do them happily, it's just that when faced with a line of trucks at the dealers it's hard to make an informed choice. The addition of side guards and a tachograph could easily add £1000 to the price of the truck and I don't want to pick one only to find that if I'd bought the one parked next to it (that I discounted because the seat was torn or something equally trivial) it wouldn't have needed the extra work.

I'm very grateful for your help, and will keep you posted of any progress in the search.

All the best, Glen.

Fri 04 Mar 2011 @ 12:33 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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