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Bedford CF Angels & Warriors

I was driving my band to a festival in France friday to play a gig, near Lille.

My tired CF broke down. Recovery truck collected us to a parking yard. It was the weekend and no mechanics weren't working.In fact none of the French mechanics were working since they were all on their summer holidays. Wherever I called I got the same answer or the voice mail. Nothing could be done then and the show had to go on, so we continued on our journey to get to our gig by alternative methods. Lucky we got there on time and rocked the festival. Result!

After talking to few other mechanics on saturday I realized nothing could be done until the French holiday was over, so I decided to leave my CF at that car park which was costing me 16 euros per day and head to UK to avoid hotel charges and waste of time and money until finding a solution to get it repaired.

I arrived in UK on saturday night on foot my band, carrying all our instruments by hand, tubas, amps, etc.

I think the problem is at the rear right wheel. It was making loud noise like metal to metal rubbing and this was causing a strain on the propt shaft and rear right wheel was spinning with a loud noise. I thought something to do with the bearing and brakes, but wasn't sure.

I dont speak any French, and majority of the people I came across with in France didnt speak any English. Everything was a mission because of that. I couldn't communicate with the garages and so on.

Got to a point where I realized that my van could be in France just sitting for 2 weeks before anyone can do anything. By the way I am a small time musician and my funds are really limited at present. So desperation bells are ringing.

I have joined to the Bedford CF members club in France 2 days ago. Hoping that I could find some information for the mechanics and spare parts. It turned out there wasn't any mechanic who could fix it right away, they are all on holidays.

But what happened is few of the members of Bedford CF club in France got together and drove over 30 miles or more to go to the parking yard to check on my CF. They jacked it up and diagnosed the problem. I need a new rear wheel bearing and new brake shoes and a new brake cylinder. These members say that they are happy to fix it right there for free of charge if I buy all the parts needed.
I just want to say that I am totally stunned with such response from people I do not know at all. Only reason being is that I happened to have the same old vehicle and their desire to help for the greater good. I hope all of us get to experience such higher feeling of fulfillment. To me such response is a celebration of Life and Humans and most importantly Bedford CF!

My CF motorhome is the first vehicle I ever bought in my life at the age of 33.

My first ever drive was to Brighton for the weekend. When I returned back to my CF after spending the day on the beach, I discovered someone had put a Bedford CF members club invitation card on my windscreen, this happened on my first ever drive with it. This was such an incredible surprise!

Since then I felt that there was something special about my first ever car.And I see now that I wasn't wrong.

Long live all the Bedfords on the road and long live the Bedford FRANCE Members club!


Wed 07 Aug 2013 @ 15:13 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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LOVE IT OLD SON same colour as our ADVANTURA only yours is the bigger one ..............................................................................................................................................................................can i have your back window lol...............only joking


Wed 07 Aug 2013 @ 16:55 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Haha, you wish.. I had to find another window when some guy broke in through my back window.. Did you see my DIY rear boot extension I built from ply and covered it with the body from the another Aventure that I ripped at the scrapyard. I am keeping the spare wheel and the tables and chairs in it, well handy


Wed 07 Aug 2013 @ 17:35 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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All your parts can be found at
Adrian Bailey Classics
Unit 1/1A Thornton grove works
Thornton Grove
LS12 3JB

Tel: 0113 2634288

he will also post them out to you new french friends
Wed 07 Aug 2013 @ 19:28 View Gethin   Email Gethin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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that sir is one sexy wagon


Wed 07 Aug 2013 @ 19:30 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
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Gethin wrote:
All your parts can be found at
Adrian Bailey Classics

But make sure you are sat down when he tells you the price

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Wed 07 Aug 2013 @ 19:39 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Colin Birch wrote:
Gethin wrote:
All your parts can be found at
Adrian Bailey Classics

But make sure you are sat down when he tells you the price

yes i heard that


Wed 07 Aug 2013 @ 20:28 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Hello Okan,

Pleased to advise you that it was me who put the cfuk card under your windscreen in Brighton. Glad you decided to join the club. Hats off to the French CF crew. What a great bunch! I hope we get the chance to repay one of them the favour when visiting the UK.


General news for cfuk owners: Mr Bailey recently advised me he's winding down his stock and getting out of supplying Bedford parts. He cited the expense of running the business and alluded to the fact that he gets tired of hearing grumbling about his prices. It makes it unsustainable as a business.

So the last Bedford parts supplier is on his exit now, and whatever he has left, that's it. No more will follow.

So it would be wise, I think, if we could all be courteous to him when asking about parts. He's the last dedicated link to parts and if he gets too much aggro who knows, he might just throw the towel in early and leave us high and dry.

My thinking is: if you want cheap and easy parts, drive a transit van from this century. If you want to drive an old and relatively obscure van from last century, be ready to pay for the privilege and try not to take it out on the stock man.


Sun 15 Sep 2013 @ 18:46 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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I remember meeting Adrian at a Classic Camper rally many moons ago.He is,without a doubt,a very nice bloke.Unfortunately he is a businessman first!
Whereas I,& many others,would put the prospect of keeping a van on the road before profit,he has to make a living.
Any lottery winners fancy the idea of buying his existing stock?


Sun 15 Sep 2013 @ 19:15 View bluebedouin   Email bluebedouin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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