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Waste water tanks.

Hi to all,

As I use caravan sites around the country I watch the daily duties of people trundle long with their waste water tanks and once emptied making space to store them back inside their campervan or caravan, as I have to do myself.
So why not have a tank built into the campervan with a drain pipe and valve which will allow me to stop over any drain anywhere and drain off my waste water, so I have now set up a tank underneath which can catch all the waste water off the sink or shower and then be drained off at next suitable road drain, and I don't even have to get out of the van to do it, "lazy git".



Mon 13 Jul 2015 @ 09:06 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Grey water tank.

Hi to all,

The valves are fitted and the pipes connected and the tank is in place all that is left to do is test for leaks, it is a twenty five gallon tank the biggest that would fit into the space available.
I will give it a test tomorrow and if all is well it will save finding space to carry a waste water tank inside the campervan.



Mon 13 Jul 2015 @ 20:14 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Leak tested.

Hi to all,

The grey waste water tank has been tested and all seems to be fine, on more carrying of waste water containers to the nearest drain on a site and if need be a valve can be opened over a street drain and grey water can be discreetly emptied from the tank.
And I don't have to find storage space for waste water containers inside the campervan, the tank is fitted into an area that was no use for storage due to the intrusion of a wheel arch so an useable space becomes useful.



Tue 14 Jul 2015 @ 10:03 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Good work Doug.
And welcome to the world of "lazy" motorhomers
We've got two small grey waste water tanks as standard under our Advantura which catch the water from the kitchen sink.
They have taps fitted and I always empty them either directly over a drain on the campsites or the road.
We don't use the shower in the toilet which would have a waste water tank, so no need to carry one and the only thing that needs emptying is the little porta potty my wife uses for number ones only
Cheers Frank
Tue 14 Jul 2015 @ 16:07 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Lazy motor homers.

Hi XSFrank,

It is something I have thought about for quite a while I should have done it six years ago, but it is all up and working now.
The porta-potti is emptied right onto the garden as soon as I get back from a trip.



Tue 14 Jul 2015 @ 17:27 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Just be aware that small bits of organic material (posh words for crap) get washed into the tank and don`t necessarily swill out. This can cause a stink around the sink outlet, `cos we don`t have U traps as in houses. Diligent use of bleach/hot water at intervals on grey water tanks, also Milton or similar on fresh water tanks is advisable. The next thing is weight. Empty all out if intending to travel far to minimise fuel consumption. Motorhomes are speed restricted if over 3.5 Kg. Keep your weight down.


Wed 15 Jul 2015 @ 10:16 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Stinky tank.

Hi Bob,

This tank can be removed easily for a good clean out when needs be and it will be drained before taking to the road because I am very carful about anything that might effect my twenty one miles to the gallon.
But thanks for the thought you make a very good point about the weight factor, the slosh factor can also create instability on roundabouts and corners, we tend to forget about these things sometimes.



Wed 15 Jul 2015 @ 21:51 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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