Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
Landcriuser engine.
Hi to all,
Looking at the basic engine we have a block head sump crank and pistons, but today I have managed to find a flywheel and an exhaust manifold.
No manifold bolts so threads in the head had to be recut to take Renault manifold studs, this I have had to do before so I know it works very well.
The flywheel needs a good clean up but the surface is good, and raking through my many boxes I have found six flywheel to crank shaft bolts (harder to find because of a very fine thread) so a good start!
Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
Landcruiser engine.
Hi to all,
Parts found so far are a distributor with rotor points condenser and cap, a glass bowl fuel pump a starter motor and a coil, set of spark plugs and a water pump, so progress is being made.
I need to re-torque the cylinder head and check the compressions before I do much more.