Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
for some reason i wasnt able to use this site for a few weeks before glasto but glad i can get back on here ..........well the old girl passed her mot ..not to bad and we went to our first little festi that my son runs called ON THE BUS ...mostly for the youngsters .she got us there and back but for some reason [ petrol ] she conked out and i had to sit for 15 mins before she sparked up again.
Then we were off to glastonbury which was a lovely drive even the rain held off but as i got to the top of one of the bigger hills right at the turn off for gate yellow we hit traffic luckly we were very near the end as i would hate to think wot would have happened 15 mins later [ she doesnt like hills at ALL ] after that some people were waiting up to 10 hours to get in .
on the way into the camping ground the old girl conked out so i had to sit there whilst she calmed down AGAIN [ petrol ] again i think .
any we were towed on site like all the other wagons and had a LOVELY but very tiering time [ ill NEVER do a festi in a tent lol ]
after a week we were able to get off on own own steam as the mud had hardened and they had matted the rd .we went to a LOVELY CAMP SITE JUST UNDER THE TOR but were to tierd to enoy it and just slept from 5 till 8 and then we were off home .
she drove lovely but ive noticed that the end bit of the air filter has gone and the exhust sounds well not great oh and shes not running as she did after mot so thats all got to be looked at but all in all she did us proud .....just a wash down to get the mud off lol ...well thats glasto 5 done in my beddie whether i do another is up in the air as it was such hard work ..