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TK Air assist steering.
Hi Olga,i read with interest about your lack of air problem on your steering. As it is an extra fitting the converters probably did not take into account the extra volume of air required to operate the air ram, especially at low engine revs. This can be overcome by fitting an extra or larger air tank onto the air system, which you should be able to get quite cheap from a breakers yard. This would also increase the volume of air in your braking system.
Many of the smaller trucks with air over hydraulic systems like the Tk had a very small air tank fitted and so after a few pumps of the pedal most of the air had been exhausted and you were left with a hard pedal and poor brakes and in your case no air assisted steering.
Regards David.
A Scot Lost in the Valley's.
Mon 21 Dec 2009 @ 16:05
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There is a very good chance if your truck has self draining valves that they are not working. If they are not self draining, when did they last get drained?
Tue 22 Dec 2009 @ 00:19
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Air Assisted brakes
Thank you very much for this. Will try and get a bigger air tank tho' as I told poor Jeffo yesterday, it's me compressor, guv that seems to be adding to the prob. Yes, Jeffo, I drain the tanks on a regular basis. I would bore you all with a picture of the sainted Bessie but luckily for you don't know how to do it.
Tue 22 Dec 2009 @ 09:51
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I am not convinced that an extra tank will work. If it is just a lack of stored air then yes but if your compressor does not have enough breath to blow the tank it already has up to pressure it wont blow an extra one up any better. As this is a new fault and not one that has existed since its conversion then it must have enough capacity in the tanks it already has. If it was a case of it not reaching pressure (as opposed to quantity of air) then surely your brakes would not be right, assuming they run off the same pump.
Tue 22 Dec 2009 @ 22:58
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Many people get confused with the difference between air pressure and air volume and so the more items that you run the more volume you require. as bedford tk and some tl models have an air assisted hydraulic brakes they dont have a high output compressor fitted. These were also prone to faulty governor valves which regulate the pressure output. These would more often stick closed whereby the pressure would build up to the stage where the safety blow off valve would take over giveing off a noise like loud rasberries or someone breaking wind. I dont think that governor valves are expensive and many of them are adjustable to increase or decrease the pressure.
The main body of the compressor is quite a simple device and is not very expensive as a service exchange unit. The point that i was trying to make was that as you were having trouble with your steering in a tight spot i did not think that you would be revving the engine fast enough to give you more air output to counteract the volume used by the air steering ram and therefore an extra tank would be beneficial. Regards David.
A Scot Lost in the Valley's
Wed 23 Dec 2009 @ 16:40
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Another thing to check is the air pipe from the compressor to the tank as it is prone to getting blocked with carbon as it leaves the compressor. This is more common with older units with worn piston rings and bores. The oil that gets past the rings turns into carbon due to the heat as the air compresses, this gradually builds up in the outlet pipe until even the compressed air has difficulty in getting through and gives the impression that the compressor is U/S. Regards David.
A Scot Lost in the Valley's.
Wed 23 Dec 2009 @ 21:41
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Air Assist Steering
Oo er, thank you for all this info, it is really welcome. I wonder if it is indeed the governor valve because when my husband took her up to be mended (sans power steering), half way through the journey the power steering kicked in with a jerk as if a valve had cracked open. It wasn't the low speed that was causing me probs. since normally the power steering works at any speed, it was the total absence of power steering. My mate Mark tells me that it is working now but the worn compressor is basically the prob. He says that as a consequence, it is running out of air for the brakes and so shuts off the supply to the steering. Far be it from me to disagree with him but none of this was happening until the power steering literally switched itself off. I sort of thing Mark is basing his judgement on the fact that the steering was already working again by the time it got to his yard.
The only problem I had previously which I never told my husband about because he worries about me as it is, was that on two occasions when going down a slope to a roundabout in third or fourth, I went to brake and though the pedal activated, the lorry just carried on. On one occasion I do not know how I didn't run into the car in front. If there's such a thing as guardian angels, they sure were looking after me than. That was about a week before the power steering packed up.
Sorry for this incoherent ramble (and before I've had any alcohol)
Happy Christmas
Thu 24 Dec 2009 @ 09:51
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Bedford TK air assist power steering
Hi, does anyone know of somewhere I could get an air assist power steering unit for a TK from please. It's a valve block under the steering wheel that taps into the air compressor and powers a ram connected to the chassis and the steering box arm. They do exist and I really need to try and source one as I'm disabled and beginning to struggle with me coach the older I get. I love my coach and having restored it many years ago I don't want to part with it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Adam
Wed 22 Mar 2017 @ 11:57
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Steering assistance
Hello Adam
Have you considered an electric motor assist conversion fitted on the steering column. There are a few companies advertise fitting these. Worth a Google maybe?
Regards Andy
Thu 18 May 2017 @ 20:31
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